One Sometimes Finds What One Is Not Looking For

They say life is full of surprises and uncertainties. Even though we don’t know where we’re predestined to be, we still keep going. One we’re certain about is that there are ups and downs ahead of us, and we don’t get to be assured of what awaits for us next. Things which prepares us for something that is meant to come.

When we were born, our future is already written in our palms. The so-called “destiny lines” are believed to drive our undertakings to a certain direction.

But whatever these lines tell the possible life path we may have, ourselves and our minds play a pivotal role in shaping our own destiny. We create our own will, and this kind of stuff is just a mere guide.

In real life, there are some people who live by what itches their interest. Everything is already planned from the moment they eat breakfast up to what book to read before bed. All the things that went through were already expected and happened the way it was planned priorly.

Come to look at the bright side if everything is unplanned, we don’t get to know what’s going to happen next. There comes the excitement at the moment where we’ll either be happy on the outcome or wiser the next time because we learned from what happened. See? Both a win-win situation, plus there’s a thrill and an element of surprise. It’s like watching a movie, there’s a twist in the end that we didn’t see coming base from our expectation.

We may not have gone to where we intended to go to, but we may end up where we didn’t expect we needed to be at.

May we not be afraid of taking risks and have imperfect circumstances in life. We just need to have a heart and soul which are brave enough to let things happen unexpectedly. Be it job promotion, feelings from the person you love, a tragic or happy ending in a movie and even a yay or nay moments on a travel escapade.

Sometimes we must let go the need to control the outcome of what our plans and expectations are, trust the process and see what happens.